Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Some People...

So, yesterday I went to visit my friend at her work. Later in the afternoon some guy came in who looked Indian, not Native American Indian but from India Indian. The man spent a good 15 minutes going on and on about how people say that white women are so beautiful but they're not. He's saying this to two very white women. To say that it was a bit offensive is an understatement. We kind of blew it off and he moved on to talking about how skanky the girls in Utah are, he was a real charmer this one. After I had heard about as much as I could tolerate I decided it was time to leave. I said good bye to Scheli and was about to head out the door when the jerk asked me out! I chewed him a new one and left.

When I got home I posted a facebook status about it and one of my friends that I haven't seen in a long time posted, "If it's not white it's not right." I found that comment to be offensive and knew that I wasn't the only one who would considering that I have friends on my facebook who are not white, so I deleted it. The next day I logged in to find that the same person reposted the same comment! This time I sent them a message explaining how that was inappropriate and then I deleted them from my facebook.

I really wish that people weren't so hateful over stupid little things. If you're going to hate a certain group target one that actually deserves it like child molesters or woman beaters. But the truth of the matter is we could all use a little less hate in our lives and a lot more love and understanding.


Anonymous said...

Brittany please 385-888-6254

Celtic Rock Chic said...

Who is this?