Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Cautionary Tale

Lately I've been wondering what to do with my life in regards to romantic relationships. I seem to be at a crossroads and I don't really know where to go. Today my grandmother called me by accident and told me of the latest news involving my family. I realized that, as always, I need to be watching the people around me and learn from their mistakes. Case in point:

There was a young woman who had big ambitions of being a police officer. She was engaged to a young man and he supported her in her ambitions. They agreed that she would pursue her dream and when the time was right they would have a modest family of 3-4 kids. They got married in the temple, sealed for time and eternity. This was something she took very serious and sought to uphold the vows she made. After the honeymoon she got a rude awakening. Her husband informed her that she would not be going into the police academy. Instead she would be a stay at home mom and they were to have 10 children! If she wouldn't go along with this he would divorce her. Because she took the temple marriage so seriously she stayed, and did his bidding.

Several years and 7 kids later it was obvious that all parties involved, except for the domineering husband, were unhappy. I have never in my life seen such a bunch of weird, sad, backwards kids. They were poor and a bit of social out casts. It was not a good time for the family. The father got the bright idea to move them to Oregon. Why? We couldn't tell. He didn't have a job for him up there but that's where he wanted to go so of course, the family must follow. The next thing we knew the wife and kids were back in Utah and the divorce was on.

Now the mother had no job skills, no education, and 7 kids to support. Though her ex-husband was ordered to pay child support, it never came regularly. The family struggled more than ever. Finally, she got a job and though they were still poor they were at least a bit stable. Kids started growing up and moving out or helping with expenses and things were gradually getting better. The next thing we knew she was on to marriage number two. He was friendly, kind, the kids loved him and we all had a good feeling about it. They got married and moved to another part of the state the very next week. We regularly got reports of how happy the new family was and were glad that they had found some peace.

Fast forward to this morning. My grandma informs me that her and her 3 younger kids are homeless and she is arranging for them to come live with her. WHAT? "Where is her husband?" I had to know and the only response I was given is, "He's gone." Of course, I want to know what happened there but no one seems to have any answers. So again, she is homeless, with no job, no hope of finding a job (especially in this economy) and kids to support.

Lesson to be learned: Get an education before you start looking for love. You never know what the future holds and having a way to support yourself is ALWAYS a good idea! Question as to what to do is solved: leave the boys alone and get your nose in those books!


Cheri said...

Or kick him to the curb when he starts acting like that, join the police academy anyway, then you have a gun if he comes calling. yeah, sorry, me and my sick humor. Story just sounds all to familiar.