Friday, April 10, 2009


The word of the week is: Quirk

Quirk: 1. a peculiarity of character; mannerism or foible
2. an unexpected twist or turn: a strange quirk of fate [origin unknown]
quirky adj

I chose this word because I indulged in one of my favorite quirks yesterday! I went to the Alpine Cemetery and just wandered around, took some pictures, and enjoyed myself. Got some great pictures that I was just loving. Check it out...

This is the cemetery when I first got there.

So I'm walking along and I see this chair and I'm thinking, "What on earth? Why here?" Then I sat down in the chair and this is what I saw...

Then I noticed this weird headstone that was a kind of blue color...

Check out what was on the top of it...

I loved this that I found. It was a poem for a woman, it was so sweet...

And then I had friends join me...

I still don't know what those birds were. They were huge but I got a pretty close-up look at them and I know they weren't hawks or eagles. I thought they looked like vultures but we don't have vultures around here so I'm not sure.

Hanging around cemeteries is strange, I know. However, that's just me! I'm a quirky girl and that's just the way it is!


Lisa K said...

What is on top of that headstone? I can't really tell.

Kristin said...

Thats one of Aaron and mines favorite things to do too! We often just go driving and stop at random cemeteries to see the headstones. Its one reason why we are hoping to move to Germany, or Europe, See some really awesome cemeteries over there!

Celtic Rock Chic said...

It's an angel